11-16-2006, 12:28 PM
In order of purchase (I think)
386/windows 3.1
Where in the world is carmen sandiego - fucking sweet
mario is missing - fucking sweet
Doom II - best doom game ever
Windows 98 SE - Windows XP
Starwars Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight - fucking sweet, got me into multiplayer games
Raindow Six - Loved the realistic kills as it dind't take a million bullets to kil a guy
Rogue Spear - my favourite multiplayer game UNTIL...
TRIBES - ONLY REASON BF EVEN KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING...pioneer of the vehicles/big maps type of online team based combat.
Starcraft - best RTS ever made
Diablo 2 - best hack n slash game ever made
MOHAA - pure organsm...only played multiplayer cuz i hate single player
Neverwinter Nights - no diablo 2...but bioware is ownage
Warcraft 3 - wicked but no starcraft
Half-life 2: pretty good...not in the league with the other FPS mentioned
Basically i pretty much only put money down on games made by blizzard or bioware...
Now im waiting for Diablo 3 and starcraft 2...