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General Cobra is Offline
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Posts: 777
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: staring at a laptop
Default 11-16-2006, 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by Jakke
Gen. Cobra's back. w00t
Hey yeah I am back. Only this time I'm here to finish what I started. I think Modern Warfare 2 is an excellent idea. I'd like to get involved. I have several maps made specific to the war on terror. Al Falluja, Najaf, Bagdad, WTC etc. I worked hard on a TC called Counter Terror but I just didn't have enough people I knew personally to finish the job right. I've decided to just do it all myself. I have some time off so I have been finishing al Fallujah and Bagdad. Hundreds of hours of work spanning 2 years. It's "racey" stuff though, car bombs, the world trade center, suicide bombers etc but I am striving to show a clear and realistic view of the current crisis.

A recent drop in mohaa players is because of the damn hackers. Some people think this is the end, but it's only the beginning.

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