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11-17-2006, 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Bleuachdu
Publicity Stunt.
Bo has actually been dead for 3 months. The Bo we saw at the press conference was an advanced robot built by Pixar in conjuction with Haliburton (formerly known as 2015, MOHAA creators). The animatronic Bo was pupeteered by Donald Rumsfeld. This of course was why Rumsfeld was forced to resign; he couldn't keep up his job as secretary of defense and pilot the robots of both Bo Schembeckler and Lloyd Carr through the impending mega-important UM-OSU game.
In other words, if U of M loses this weekend, coach Carr will likely force the team to stay in Columbus for two or three more years and "stay the course" until the battle is won.
R.I.P. Bo.