Thread: Gear Of War
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Default 11-19-2006, 06:57 PM

Originally Posted by Eames
hows cod 3 bucknub i saw u playing it earlier, is it worth buying??
truthfully, I probably wouldnt have bought it if there wasnt a deal with it if you got gears of war. it was $100 for both.

I really dont have the feeling to WANT to play SP. Must be the british campaign, because I hate those ones, in ALL CoD's actually. and I always find myself getting stuck on objects on the ground that I cant see and getting nailed by enemy fire. pisses me off.

However, the MP is pretty fun, (different classes - think BF2. you can call in arty, drive vehicals, ect ect that helps the game alot). The sound is pretty damn good, and the graphics are incredible. I always find myself just staring at the enviroments while Im playing, the grass is so incredibly realistic. so thick and full.

heh, I guess you can say it's good biggrin: maybe it's just the SP that's lacking, too me it doesnt have the feel that the very first CoD had.
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