Thread: Gear Of War
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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
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Default 11-19-2006, 11:25 PM

Hey I played GoW for a few hours tonight. I was playing co-op through the part where you have to keep shooting the propane tanks to stay in the light so the bird fgts won't rape you in the face.

The game is fucking dark as shit. I had a hard time being able to see anything. I also had a hard time at first being able to find any fucking ammo, but mainly due to the fact the other jewbag kept stealing all of my shit. biggrin:

I'm convinced after playing this game that single player campaigns on a first person shooter (I know GoW isn't technically a FPS, but it's close enough) will never really impress me anymore. The last SP I played that I thought was awesome was MOHAA, and that's only because it was one of the first real good WWII FPS games. I'm certain GoW is fun over Xbox Live, but I didn't see much in the way of gameplay in the SP that left any significant impact. That's not to say it's a bad game by any means, just FPS games don't really cut it for me the way they used to.
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