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Join Date: Jun 2004
Default 11-25-2006, 05:57 PM

Originally Posted by Himmler
Originally Posted by Miscguy
We cant see because you have yet to post pictures of your score.
Check the last page.

Anti I stated that in my opinion she is hotter than most girls anyone here has been with. You can believe that or not, I really don't care. How am I a hyprocrite? Because I fucked a chick and posted it a relevant thread? Are you fucking retarded? You guys made fun of me basically having a threesome with some chick, who gives a fuck? Now you're bashing for me saying I did it again and calling Tripper's girl ugly. Excuse for me actually liking hot girls and not some that look like George of the Jungle.
you're a hypocrite because i brought up something you didn't want me to, and to defend your honour you felt you had to prove yourself (it's pretty obvious), and now you state that you don't need to prove anything; see what i'm getting at sweetie? and no, that's not a threesome; it wouldn't be as bad if you were banging her and your buddy was getting a blowjob but nope, you guys were sharing the pussy like it was a lollipop. how did your friends saliva mixed in with her juices taste?
i'm not bashing you for liking hot girls, i'm bashing you for being a meathead.

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