Originally Posted by Pyro
I hung out with a bunch of people ive never hung out with yesterday night...onc ei learn to put my cell phone pics on the computer ill post some pics...
chicks need to stop having boyfriends...im starting to think playing homewrecker is the best option in life.
I completely agree, I used to like a girl for ages & sorta had a chance with her but some bastrd got there before me, the poor fool is now in love with him & wants to get married, she's like 21, save that bs for 28! rolleyes:
Anyhoo one of the slags posted previously is now single, her bf dumped her a few months ago & I dated her once, but then she got back with him cuss: I'm wondering whether I should bother trying again...
[img]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b118/iraqois/1309262817_l.jpg[/img] brunette
[img]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b118/iraqois/1470708924_l.jpg[/img] in blue
[img]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b118/iraqois/johnhanlau.jpg[/img] far right
I'm pissed off! It's ages since I had any real luck with girls... I went out last night & there were guys everywhere... Can't wait to go & work in London!