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Default 11-26-2006, 03:53 PM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Himmler
Originally Posted by Poseidon
^ Very cute, just as long as you let me come down south and introduce me to the blonde haired one?? biggrin:

Originally Posted by Himmler
Now you're bashing for me saying I did it again and calling Tripper's girl ugly. Excuse for me actually liking hot girls and not some that look like George of the Jungle.
Thats bang out of order. What the fuck has Trip's gf done to you? bashing trip is one thing but her gf? Trip has been going out with her for sometime and doesnt see her for sex. Yes boning a hot chick is one thing, but for a relationship you got to have the personality to go with it. Besides, trips bird is pretty cute, how the fuck can you say she's ugly?

One day you'll learn that looks and 1 night stands isnt everything.
He makes attacks against me, I'll do the same to him. I don't give a shit.
I attacked you for being a COMPLETE FUCKING ANUS. If you can't see how fucking insanely arrogant you are then godamn your life is really gonna suck. You're the guy that EVERYONE talks about behind his back. I know a handful of guys who are exactly like you - and that's why I always give you shit.....Because that's what you are, a daddy-dick sucking piece of anal cavity lint. Do people snicker when you enter a room? Its because they've just been bitching about how much of an arrogant cunt you are. Its one thing to brag about the pussy you get - but its a whole other ball game when you're bragging about how much BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE the pussy you get is. Thats crossing a million guy-code lines.

Attacking my girlfriend is pretty fucked up - and from now on whenever you post anywhere in a thread I'm going to be as fucking annoying as possible, I'm going to tell you how shit you are in every post you ever make. 92bengals and gf1. I couldnt give a fuck about you or your ugly fucking BUTT CHIN (ROFLMFAO) or that fucking hare krishna jewface slag you run with. (You totally deserved that you fucking cuntsquire). My girl isn't the most photogenic but enough guys hit on her to make me sure I'm with an attractive girl. I don't really see the brendan fraser at all...Not even in that pic....Your girl looks like fucking Nosferatu you poor motherfucker. lmfffffffffffffffffffffao. Does it feel like shes stealing your soul when she touches your junk? rofl. I bet all your buddies were like "oh shitttt" when they saw you finally scored with Willem DaFoe.

Dude. This is rich for one guy to say to another - but you are probably one of the weirdest looking faggots I've ever seen. lol. What an ugly son of a bitch, and if your fucking sugardaddy who you HAVE to be blowing like a fucking kazoo, is hooking you up left right and centre with alienware computers and G35s, then OF COURSE SOME HOLLOW BITCH is gonna show an interest. You have moneydick, thats all dude. I've seen your pic. You're as ugly as SIN. God probably shat a fucking niagra brick when he realised how bad he fucked up on your spiked hair having chinmo mcfake-tan faggotass.
Did you step out of 1995? No one has hair like that anymore dude. You're not ross gellar. rofl.

Oh, and Proteus - What's it like being a virgin? I can't even imagine how pathetic you must feel. You can't even get your dick up in a fucking snatch. Wow thats pathetic....but I guess when you look like droopy its going to work against you. lmao.

Maybe one day a girl will think you're cute and you can slip her roofies and pray her heartbeat doesn't slow down too much so you can rape her. You sick fucking faggot. EW. YOU'RE GONNA BE A RAPIST DUDE. rofllllllllllllllll
Nice pic, by the way....What did that dudes dick taste like? Your own shit? Yup. Gayer than gay. And a chubby little fag too. Rollie-pollie virgin.
I'm serious as shit when I say I'd rather look like coma, than you. FUCKING SERIOUS.

trippa winz teh intanet
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