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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 11-28-2006, 10:30 PM

[quote:2bda0]I fight back against rags on Nyck's wife (looking at you, Teeg)[/quote:2bda0]

Shut the fuck up.

This thread is - well a little fucked up:

Himmler - if thats you in those pictures; by god man. A lap. A week. I swear youll see a difference, in a year. As for double-dipping with your best bro on one broad - ya. . .thats pretty fucking sick. Now double-banging - thats a whole nother story (so long as you both popped it in different holes - there are THREE of them). As it is, I dont believe for a second those chicks are more than your friends (at least) and at BEST - are letting you fuck for cash.

Proteus - what the fuck? In this digital age, who the hell posts a Glamour Shots™ scan of. . .ANYONE. . .from 1972? Seriously. Bit of an odd dental structure, but so long as theres no dick scrapping - its all good. Seriously though. That picture looks like you took a senior portrait, put it in your back pocket, trekked through the amazon, was kidnapped by Pygmies, beaten (anally), and then had your jeans stolen, washed (30 times) and had the picture returned to you. . .honestly - who the fuck scans anymore? - the birds got a pleasant face. . .hows she feel about you sliding in through the backdoor (cause that automatically increases a chicks hot factor)

MAD - you got pissed over that chick (the hair-do disturbs me)? Whapping it from behind - the hells there to grab on to? I say - let her keep the jacket, and move on. . .

Merlin - bang it until she tries to call the cops.

Milla - "Girls Next Door" are the dirtiest in bed. . .please up pictures verifying this - thanks sugah. . .

As for pictures - well the only pictures I have are of females I HAVE slagged. . .friend-photos do nothing for me. . .o-0. . .maybe if i can crop one the right way so no Big Daddy Dick is in the shot -

Yea. That last line was majorly gay. Even for me.

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