I hate .. -
11-28-2006, 10:40 PM
I didnt wanna name this "pet peeves" b/c something about that rings extremely fucking ghey to me, but we all like these threads, so I'll start
1) Fuckers who wear shorts when it's snowing
2) Those diarrhea sinks which spray water all over your crotch
3) Eating lunch at 12... I'm never hungry
4) Blacks who're convinced they themselves should be repaid for the shit they're ancestors went thru 500 fucking years ago. I'm pulling a kramer here, but it does fucking annoy me.
5) White kids who are terrified of blacks
6) How it's the coolest thing evar to be jewish
7) Raisin Bran
8) Fat chicks who wear tight fit clothes
9) Coma
10) Scratched DVDs... fucking waste of technology
11) Snow
12) Denver
13) Majority of Colorado, aside from mountains
14) Those fucking hats w/ out the folded brims... actually no, I was thinking about getting one... no, wait, yeah, they're stupider looking than fuck
15) Hair that grows out of your fucking nipple
16) PC games
OK, I'm done for nowe, post urs pls