Thread: I hate ..
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imported_Fluffy_Bunny is Offline
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Default 11-29-2006, 01:37 PM

4) Girls only hitting on you when you are in a relationship but not when you are single.[/quote:b293d] ya I hate that, go ages being single then suddenly they all want ya kus you got a hot ho & its a matter of pride & jealousy cuss:

1.) Hippies, my sister was on myspace the other day & said "OoOo look its one of my friends who used to go to Art College with me. Isn't he cool? He's so hot! OmG!" I looked at his pic & this guy looked like a fukin scarecrow... He had a big ol straw hat & a matty beard with old clothes. I asked what he was doing & apparently he used to do manual work on farms & fruit picking then he went off to india & now he's bumming it in Spain. Fair enough if hes a student but this guy is 25, he hasn't got career, hes a bum & going no-where. I bet in 10 years time he'll finally realise he can't get employed kus he has fa qualifications & then come back to scrounge on the taxes cuss:

2.) Emo kids who get tattoos & dye their hair black & kiss other guys to try & be cool rolleyes: Nice one mate, got a tattoo that will last for life & the fashion will last a year stupid:

3.) People who give a damn about power & suck up to other people in authority, rank, money etc. This is rife in some of the forces as class 'unofficially' still plays a big part.

4.) Old grannies who go to church every sunday without fail because they suddenly realise they may die & want to go to heaven. They go to church now kus in the 40s & 50s they were probably too busy gang banging & sucking more dix than a vietnamese hooker. They like to give off the impression that they are completely innocent & never seen a willy in their life.

5.) People who spit or degrade historic monuments & buildings of importance. Like those hippie sons o bitches that put graffiti on Churchills statue & the chav bastards who fk up poppy stuff.

6.) Pikeys & Chavs in general

7.) Girls who shave off all their eyebrows & then pencil them in for some bizarre reason. Then you wake up next to them in the morning & think you been shagging an alien.

8.) Girls expecting you to buy them drinks in clubs even though you don't know who tf they are. Or girls ya barely know coming up to you & asking for you to buy them a drink. WTF! Get a job bitch! Don't take advantage of male chivalry.

9.) Rich kids who don't have to worry about getting a decent job or having to work & save up for a car or driving lessons kus mummy & daddy can cover it all for them.

10.) Places that sell drinks at 50x the normal price as well as breaking your wallet over an entry charge, then you get in & the place is shyt.
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