11-29-2006, 08:22 PM
1) Israeli Jews
2) Regular Jews who make it a known fact they are jewish and are proud of it
3) Minorities who want to be different and complain when they aren't being treated fairly. Example, poor blacks constantly using the "Reverend" to come to their rally's and complain about black and white problems.
4) Diversity, AKA racism without the hate. So what if we are all different, can we not rejoice about it every second?
5) Tweens who try to hard to be cool and preppy
6) People who brag about drinking, smoking, drugging, banging chicks, etc.
7) People who spend too much time dressing up...
8) Fagzors who want everyone to know they're gay.
9) Men/Boys with absurdly long hair that covers their eyes, or guys with ponytails...
10) Fake people. Those who smile and say "hello" to everyone, regardless of who they are and if they actually like them.
11) The addiction known as facebook...
12) Annoying people who don't know they're place, aka nerds hanging with jocks despite no one wanting them there.