Thread: I hate ..
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Default 11-30-2006, 08:25 PM

1) Liars (I can't stand it when someone lies to me over virtually nothing)
2) Racism (I do think certain stereotypes are funny)
3) Seafood (I'm allergic)
4) Whiny kids (Eh, I just hate the sound of a kid who's whining over not getting something he/she wants)
5) Humidity (90+ degree summer days + 100% humidity kills me)
6) Fucktards (People who try to pass off their opinions and assumptions off as facts)
7) Bad graphics (In this day and age, I fully expect every damn game to have great graphics. I don't give two shits if the controls are awesome. If the game doesn't have great graphics to go along with great controls, then the game is ruined)
8) Gossip folks (There are tons of old ladies and old men who just sit all day on their benches gossipping about stupid shit. I hate it.)
9) Sequals (Shitty sequals to usually good first movies. Just look at Nightmare on Elm Street/Halloween/Friday the 13th *sorry Zoner*)
10) Paranoia (I sometimes get the feeling some people talk about me behind my back. And in some ways, they have.)
11) Cats (I used to love cats. That is until Spike came along, and he showed me a whole different level of joy.)
12) Shy girls (There's a local girl who I like a lot, and she looks like she's hella interested in me, but she never said a thing about it, or ever made a move. So I made a move, and she rejected me....yet still shows signs that she's interested oOo: )
13) Bullies (More like online. Basically people who pick on others online for no damn reason.)
14) Messes (I'm a messy person, and so my room is normally a big mess. I hate cleaning my room, so you'd think I'd do my best to keep it clean. But, no.)
15) Ugly black chicks (Sorry if I sound racist, or not. I say this specifically from experience in my neighborhood. I've often run into either incredibly ugly black chicks, or incredibly fat black chicks who pretty much present themselves as God's gift to humanity. Ho's. One time I found myself staring *my fault, yes, I know* at this one chick who was black and fugly. I just, was dumb founded by the level of ugly she had on her. She saw me and pretty much commented about how I can't have her 'jelly', and looked at me as if my eyes weren't worthy of viewing. rolleyes: I mean, come on. She has to look in the mirror sometimes and realize the truth. Hell, Mike Tyson makes for a prettier black female than that chick did. Blah!)
16) Country (I hate anything and everything country music)
17) Flaming gays (Like others before me, I dislike it when gays try to make it forcefully known that they're here and they're queer. Like, I don't give a shit that you take it up the pooper. Just don't force feed me you're sexual orientation.)
18) Cops (Cops around here are stereotypical cops who let certain people get away with certain things)
19) Smelly people (I can't stand it. I don't tolerate funky smelling people. It doesn't take much to be clean. Some soap and water is all it takes to wash your ass!)
20) Cab drivers (Crazy ones, anyway. I was almost run over by one coming back from class before. It was about 11 p.m., I was tired and I just wanted to get to my bed fast, so I took a cab. The dude wanted to charge me 20 fucking dollars for the ride, which normally I'm charged 9 bucks or so. I said no, left the car, and the dude followed me in his car and almost hit me)

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