Thread: I hate ..
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Default 12-01-2006, 10:50 PM

man, i hate alot of things but the things that really piss me off latley are:

wiggers in all their forms
ie.- faggots who tilt their hats, the stupid ass thin beard that really just looks like side burns that run down their face (you know what im talking about), the wigger fro, white people who use ebonix as part of their everyday vocabulary, etc.

people who drive spic speeders/ricers

wiggers/ minorities who think they are so hard and such bad asses

the faggots who crowd my gym just before spring break and summer to try and look cool.

people who drive down the road with their turn signals on and don't intend to turn.

people who see you want to make a turn and speed up so you can't make the turn.
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