Thread: Workout tips
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Default 12-02-2006, 06:58 AM

Coma, are you trying to lose weight (fat) or are you trying to get buff? Because there are specific ways to do either one. If you're trying to burn fat off, as Tony mentioned, do lots of cardio. If you're not used to that, start off slowly. Just make sure you do at least 20 minutes or so every day, which is when your body begins to burn fat. Assuming you go for the 20 minutes without stopping. If you're trying to get buff, basically you just need to lift heavy weights with low reps. Just don't, you know, kill yourself lol And don't cheat with the form, as far as weight lifting goes. You'll just end up injuring yourself, and not getting any actual benefit from it. If you're trying to simply get fit....well, you still need cardio. Afterwards, you should probably lift light weights with very high reps. As for love handles, well, sit ups. Side sit ups also. Test yourself and see just how many you can do until you can't go any further, then you'll know your limit and know up to what point you can/need to go everytime you do sit ups. You can also do crunches, those are pretty good.

Squats....usually people do them either to tone their quads, or build up their muscle mass in that area. So if you are actually going for weight loss, I wouldn't recommend you do squats for that. You'd just end up getting injured.

By the way, what are your eating habits? Just wondering. I'd hate to see you work your ass off only to know that you eat like 2 pounds of food in one sitting lol You'll drop the pounds/tone up through work, but you also need to eat well also.

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