Gf1's that time again -
12-02-2006, 05:27 PM
Lookout for these gifts from Arkan
Zone: What do you get a guy who almost has it all? [url=]This[/url:1ce9e]
Nyck: A new [url=]commode[/url:1ce9e] for the home
Gerv:A new computer[url=]gadget[/url:1ce9e]he probably doesn't have
Milla: A wedding cake [url=]topper[/url:1ce9e]. You know he's gonna marry her.
Trip:A College scholarship at this fine[url=]institution[/url:1ce9e]
Pyri:A freelance writing position[url=]here[/url:1ce9e]
Anti: High tech [url= x.jpg:1ce9e]concealment[/url:1ce9e] for photographing street bums
Buck: Something needs to be done about your [url=]hair[/url:1ce9e]
Fluffy: A box of [url=]these[/url:1ce9e] for his worldly travels
Coma: Now that you have a g/f, you'll need [url=]this[/url:1ce9e]
Akuma: 2 tickets to see [url=]them[/url:1ce9e] on Mothers day
Maple: A nice [url=]book[/url:1ce9e] to relax to
Madmartagen: A new name, yours is too long
Gtboys: Brothas' can't have enough [url=]kicks[/url:1ce9e]
Duffy: I'm buying him an hour with a [url=]hoe[/url:1ce9e]. Don't waste it Duff
Himmler: [url=]Nothing[/url:1ce9e] have it all already !
TGB: A nice [url=]book[/url:1ce9e] for you
Blitz: A [url=]poster[/url:1ce9e] for your room
Jakke: A new [url=]instrument[/url:1ce9e] for you......and NO, you don't smoke from it !
Simo: A guide for [url=]you[/url:1ce9e] ......because it's the Jews fault
Jotun: A new [url=]Tattoo[/url:1ce9e]
Coleman: A [url=]poster[/url:1ce9e] for your dorm room
elstatec: What else did you [url=]expect[/url:1ce9e]? Yes, the cow is included.
KTOG: You needed [url=]these[/url:1ce9e] years ago
Chronic Diahrrea: Something for your [url=]problem[/url:1ce9e]
Bean: You're such a hard guy to shop for so.......take [url=]these[/url:1ce9e]
Johnj: You're getting up in age so you may need [url=]this[/url:1ce9e]. Don't worry, i'll even throw in [url=]this[/url:1ce9e] video
Ninty: [url=]Something[/url:1ce9e] for your desk
Judas: Something tells me this is a late [url=]present[/url:1ce9e]
Poseiden: Figured you'd like [url=]this[/url:1ce9e]
Unknown Sniper: [url=]These[/url:1ce9e] can be fun
Punky: I'll help you with [url=]it[/url:1ce9e]
Miscguy: For the [url=]office[/url:1ce9e]
Tystnad: [url=]This[/url:1ce9e] should keep you busy until x-mas comes
Forte: For starting this [url=]tradition[/url:1ce9e]
Sgt>Stackem: Sometimes a guy needs an extra [url=]hand[/url:1ce9e] with the kids
**note**: Watch this thread for additions
The world is my urinal