12-03-2006, 02:45 AM
i had alot of fun playing mohaa and spearhead even though spearhead wasnt as good as mohaa. the series just couldnt compete because ea woudlnt support the games. i mean mohaa only had 1 fucking patch that was released like a month after its launch and that was it. i also think that the guys from 2015 were what made mohaa so bad ass, i heard they only were on board for mohaa and none of the other titles....thats why spearhead and breakthrough sucked compared to the originol.
and as for playing as the germans, i've fantasized about that since i first played originol dod (the first ww2 shooter i had ever played). i mean how awesome would it be to expierience battles like normandy from the german perspective?? and if you dont want to play as the germans cause u have problems with nazis, you need to first stfu because its just a stupid game and second the russians proved to be far more ruthless then the germans and we have played as russians in both mohaas and cod, so morality shoudlnt be an issue.
but to get back on topic...it sucks cod 3 aint for pc, im gonna rent it for 360.....and even though a korean war game would be very similiar to a ww2 game, it doesnt matter... it would still be something that hasn't been done yet and if done right would be very cool.