Thread: Workout tips
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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
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Default 12-03-2006, 10:47 PM


I suggest looking into Tom Venuto's ebook, Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. That is without a doubt the most thorough, complete step-by step guide anybody will ever need to properly burn fat off of their body while retaining lean body mass and even gaining weight in the process in some cases. The program is hard as hell to stay on course for, but if you follow it to a "T" I guarantee you can completely change the way you look, whether you weigh 180 and you just need to thump off those small love handles, or you weigh 350 + and need to lose a lot of body fat the safe and sure method without having 6 inches of loose skin afterwards.

Trust me, Tom Venuto's program is no BS either. It's what I used to get myself back into shape with. I went from 16% body fat to as of today 6.7%. My bench went from a retarded 170 to 365 today. It's hard work....HARD WORK, but it becomes a part of your life. Since you're living in a dorm room, it's going to be practically impossible to follow, because you have to cook your own food everyday, and dorm halls don't allow stoves or even toaster ovens. You can eat smart enough at the various food locations on campus I'm betting. You still won't really be able to get the right results that are truly possible with his program, but it's better than nothing.


Jeremy Likness is another guy I like. He uses a lot of the same philosophies in his program.

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