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What sci-fi crew are you from?
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Default What sci-fi crew are you from? - 12-04-2006, 09:54 AM

As long as we're on the homo train...


You scored as Galactica (from Battlestar: Galactica). You are leery of your surroundings, and with good reason. Anyone could be a cylon. But you have close friends and you know they would never hurt you. Now if only the damn XO would stop drinking.

Galactica (from Battlestar: Galactica) 88%

Serenity (from Firefly) 88%

SG-1 (from Stargate) 81%

Nebuchadnezzar (from The Matrix) 63%

Enterprise D (from Star Trek) 56%

Millennium Falcon (from Star Wars) 56%

Moya (from Farscape) 44%

Bebop (from Cowboy Bebop) 38%
w00t for Serenity and Galactica tie eek:
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