12-04-2006, 06:37 PM
jump rope works well for cardio. as some quick things to do to work out certain areas w/ out machines try isometric exercises. for the inner thighs take a foot and a half piece of 2 x 4, put it between your feet while youre standing and press together. A good exercise/job that will work the abs, back, lovehandles, shoulders pecs and arms is splitting wood or hammering steaks. its essential that what ever you hit though has some give or you can really hurt yourself. You can also try doing sit-ups/ crunches. theres a few really effective ways to do it. 1) by over extending backwards then going up, but only about 3/4 of the way. the other number 2 is to use weights. water works well as a cheap resource with a set weight, 8.4lbs/gallon.