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Default 12-05-2006, 11:25 AM

Originally Posted by Nyck
Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
so here's a question: Why is Sci-Fi nerdy than other kinds of fiction? Why is it okay for Milla to have Jack Bauer stuff all in his sig and avatar, but I get made fun of for my Galactica stuff? BSG is just as good, if not better, than 24, so oOo:
because if you dressed as jack bauer out in public you would blend in and look normal, save for all the shot out windshields
thats a poor arguement. I, nor anybody I know, dresses up as a TV character. And if you dress as Jack Bauer, you're still a nerd, just harder to spot.

The thing is, I think most people here and in the larger consumer audience equivocate BSG with Star Trek, or Star Wars, or, worst of all, the original 70s series. It annoys me that when you mention liking an increasingly subpar show, like Lost, people say 'oh, yea, thats cool. I used to watch that', and when you mention liking an increasingly excellent show like BSG, people sneer and roll their eyes. "Have you ever seen it?" "No."
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