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Default 12-05-2006, 01:30 PM

Originally Posted by c312

Bringing up a common team and deriving something from the scores they put up is nonsense. Everyone knows that sports don't follow logical, mathematical properties, it means nothing. ...

is it nonsense because its not relevent to the discussion or because it doesnt back up your arguement?[/quote:1d233]

come on stackem, all sports fans know that just because one team beats the same team by more points it doesn't mean they are better. You can't take that as any solid evidence. (this might be different if it was a 1 point vs. 40 point difference)

That's the type of logic that I could use to say that because the Redskins beat the Cowboys, and the Cowboys beat the Giants, therefore the Redskins are better than the Giants...but we know that's not true, because the Giants beat the Redskins. What I'm saying is that logic doesn't apply in sports, especially college sports, there are too many intangibles.
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