Thread: Dreams
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Default 12-05-2006, 03:50 PM

Its been too long since I've dreamt a dream I can remember. A week or so ago I woke up next to my g/f and I was talking to her (I mumble alot in the mornings and never make sense) but she wouldnt reply, I was like wtf, so I drifted back to sleep, then I woke up again and realised she was never here, and the blankets and sheets were just messed up in a way that I just sort of assumed it was her lying under them. Its weird because when I woke up the second time, I didn't even assume she was there, I knew that she didn't stay.

I guess its because I was more conscious after a bit more sleep. It was only after I remembered waking up that first time, that I realised I had been mistaken.
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