Thread: Workout tips
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Default 12-06-2006, 11:53 AM

[quote="Chronic Diarrhea":41409][quote="Short Hand":41409]MY biggest tip is to work out for yourself. To your own health and fitness. I hate seeing tools in the gym staring at themselves in the mirror, or trying to over exagerate a lift, or even lift to much improperly trying to be big shit.[/quote:41409]

There's a few guys @ my gym who wear tight ass Under Armour gear. They're fatasses too. They've got a lot of muscle, but they have a lot of body fat on the upper arms and chest, so it just looks ridiculous. They also wear sweatbands on their upper arms to try to make them look bigger I guess. stupid:[/quote:41409]

could it be that they were wearing sweat bands to keep sweat from going down to their hands? lots of athletes do the same thing.

and there is nothing wrong with under armor as long as you aren't wearing it in situations which make it obvious you just want people to see your muscles. For instance, I wear the warming ones when I go fishing because they keep me warm. But you're right, the people who wear it way too much when they shouldn't are jackasses. I used to have a guy on my baseball team like that, he was one of those guys who walks with his elbows cocked out to look like he couldn't put his arms down cause they were so big...
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