Thread: Cindy Sheehan
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Default 12-11-2006, 09:18 PM

There are two issues here. Her right to protest and her ability to make news.

She does posses the right to protest. So in that sense, do whatever you want. You want to stand on the corner saying that the shit you took this morning is the reincarnation of the devil, go ahead.

I couldn't care less if she protests for the rest of her life.

The article said she got arrested for trespassing.

Now she was arrested for trespassing for trying to hand a petition over. It's not like she was trespassing to steal or something, which I guess is a thin line. Nobel? To some perhaps, but still against the law.

Perhaps they should try to find a legal way to go about doing it. Perhaps no one would take it.

That kind of reminds me of the type of stuff PETA does, although trying to hand over a petition isn't as severe.

If you want to protest animal rights or whatever, go ahead. But when you break the law, like vandalism, stealing, and all that other junk, to get your point across, that's not cool.

But here lies another issue.

Ask yourself this question:

What good is a protest if it doesn't get media coverage? If no one knows about it?

It's no good.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. held one of the black rights marches and nothing happened. So it didn't get on the news.

King is a smart man. What did he do? He went to another city where there was high racial tension and the police chief hated blacks. he knew there would be confrontation.

The police chief sent in the police and what we have all seen on TV ensued.

Do you think that if the police just stood by and did nothing that anything would have changed? No. It wouldn't have even made the news.

But because black people were getting beaten by white cops, it's national news and people say "look whats happening to those poor people. this is horrible and blacks deserve rights also".

That would not have happened without this situation.

Cindy sheehan, like all protesters, use the same tactic. You only get exposure if there is confrontation.

Why did people used to hijack airplanes? They always wanted to make a political speech or whatever. This was the way to get the attention. If they just stood out in some square yelling their message, no one would listen.

This is something that I don't think many people understand.

If Cindy stood outside her house protesting the war, no one would care. When she stands outside bush's house, it's a big deal.

When Cindy sheehan trespasses to hand in a petition, it's news. If she gave it to some dude who gave it to some UN dude, it's not news. Right?

Therefore, my argument is that Sheehan NEEDS to trespass in order to get her point across. If she doesn't, it doesn't make the news and her ideas aren't on national TV.
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