12-12-2006, 10:55 AM
I don;t think anyone has a viable solution whether you stay there or not. You're screwed either way.
I think this war has divided people so much tot he extent that, if you oppose the war, you support cindy, and if your for the war you oppose her.
The middle ground has been lost and 95% of people are on one side or another. The one side blames the other and vice versa.
There's no compromise, theres no discussion. republicans hate democrats and democrats hate republicans. This is extremely bad for the country as I see it. When the people are divided is when bad stuff happens.
People need to realize that one side is not totally right and one side is not totally wrong. Both need to work together to accomplish anything otherwise it turns into a wrestling match.
yes, I think cindy sheehan looks like a douche. but democrats will side with her, because if they don't, then they must be a republican and that would be bad. republicans won't say she has a point because that would look bad on them.