12-12-2006, 12:04 PM
Every religion is correct, every god is real. I think God is too powerful a word for a god, they think of it as the creator of everything, and the one you should really praise and look up to.
I think humans sometimes forget that the theory of evolution is pretty much as close to scientific fact as it's going to get, and that we really did evolve from monkeys. I think we've filled in the gap of a protector and overseer with the name god. Every pack of monkeys had an alpha male dominant to protect them, it was a comfort that I think humans instinctively still need to make them seem sheltered and comforted. It's all survival instinct and an inquisitive nature that brought us "this far" in humanity. But how far have we really come, and how much closer are we, and to what?
The theory that the universe is expanding and contracting infinately is a cool idea because when you think about it, everything in life is just expanding and contracting. Ocean shores, muscles on your body, driving a car, taking a shower, everything in life you could possibly think of, it seems obvious but it's worth mentioning because of the relation to everything in the universe.
aaaaaaaaaaaannnnd done.