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Default 09-12-2002, 02:33 PM

I do listen to all sides, but the fact is that colleges across the U.S. are predominatly liberal, The vast majority of Professers are liberel. Usually there is a small group of conservitives on the campus, and there voices are'nt heard. Did you hear about the Sept. 11 remembrance at Berkely the vast majority did not want any references to America no flags, song, speeches. The Conservitive minority managed to convince them to at least wear red, white, and blue ribbons. I dont want war, I want Saddam gone if that means war then so be it, the proof is there (I know you guys dont want to believe it) its been there since '91, he kills his own people, diverts oil money that is supposed to be used to buy food and uses it for other purposes, has chemical weapons and wants and is working on nuclear. Its not that he has these weapons thats the reason for going in, its that he is a fanatical man who at the drop of a hate wont hesitate to use them.
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