Originally Posted by Miscguy
So a plane that defied radar and saved the lives of pilots in many high risk areas such as iraq is a peice of shit? The fact that it implimented higher precision bombing than had ever been seen before makes it a peice of shit? You know, i could go on pointing out its first, break throughs, and survivability, but i think everyone pretty much understood you're a fucking tard the second you posted.
They rushed into it and spent millions of dollars of something that can only carry two bombs (of which only 4 in the entire arsenal to pick from) at a time. It was based off of old 1970s technology and if we had waited a few years we would have gotten a much more finished product (and we did, it's called the B-2).
The aircraft was a breakthrough in technology, and it opened up several new doors - there's no doubting that. But the fact is we wanted to showcase a new design, and do it quickly. We would have saved alot of money otherwise.