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imported_Fluffy_Bunny is Offline
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Default 12-21-2006, 11:31 AM

The bish came out last night & it was pretty gd, we just went to local bar & had a few drinks. Then my mates & I decided to be smooth & move off somewhere else & leave her & her friends to it. - It worked, she phoned me a bit later saying they were heading to our bar, but by this point we'd moved to another & the other bar was closing so didn't see her...

Anyhoo I was hoping to see her again tonight, phoned her from my home phone & no answer, so figured it may be easier to just text her. I did & said yo u have a good time last night? Still up for clubbing tonight, sent that at 2pm- its now 5 & I've had no reply mad:

Balls in her court, wtfs a man to do? Bah! Can't ring or text her again I'll look desperate.

cuss: cuss: cuss: cuss: cuss:

May consider heading to Bromley to see one of my ex gfs as she sent me a pic of her azz last night- 92bengals
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