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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
Posts: 2,644
Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 12-24-2006, 02:43 AM

Ill update text on those in a minute, I just wanted to get them out there. . .Im gonna try for some night photos tonight. . .just go off by myself before the trains stop running, and see what kind of photos I can get (I have a couple of spots in mind).

Ill post some more from yesterday as well, show off Akihabara. . .sorry no electronic shots as that shit aint too welcomed in alot of stores. I will say they have hot shit here (the MP3 players alone put our shit to shame. . .the myth about Tokyo being more "advanced" than the States is totally not a myth).

I will say however, that the monkey show I went to at temple today - was the greatest fucking thing Ive seen. . .EVAR!!! I half expected the fucking monkey to start smoking, and Im totally kicking myself for not having had my video camera out.
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