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I'm back hope all is well
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Default I'm back hope all is well - 02-06-2007, 03:30 PM

welcome back everyone. As some of you may know I've now taken over the forums (friendly take over this time, with Badscript's permission).

My background; I was a member of this community before the date in my name (think is was around 1969 - old time joke), i would say one or two database crashes ago. back when Dodd BS's second hand guy in charge asked me to help out on the forums. From there I started the famous dedicated game server. I wrote the original rcon guide for MOH and went on to run my own site entitled Soon after I opened up a sister site called, which have been merged together to form the current site, I was a part of the original MOHTeam and have worked with both EA and Activision. My online gaming fun does not actually start here but on a site called (registered rudedog in 1999) but this is where I got my start with a great community and have made a lot of good friends, it's where I would call my home.

Give us a couple months before we start to try and add sections to the site as well as improve on things a bit.

Hope everyone enjoys!

Not so Rude
- Rudedog
Follow me via Twitter @THErealRUDEDOG
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