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imported_Fluffy_Bunny is Offline
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Default 02-07-2007, 10:40 AM

Woot one of my favourite threads is back biggrin:

I was chattin to that hot girl whos at uni the other day on MSN. The one I'm in love with & have posted her pic on this thread loads of times, but just to remind you...


One on Left!

Anyhoo I'm still playing it cool but trying to chat someone up over MSN is just b.s. I managed to do some smooth geek moves like sending my webcam then cancelling it. When she said 'send again' I said 'say pls', then when she said 'pls' I was like. 'On yer knees & beg' & when she did that I said 'how appropriate'. the_finger: I don't know why I like her, there are cuter girls but there's just something about the movements & mannerisms of this one...

I start work in London Paddington next week though, should keep me a bit more busy, I hate to think shes having a better time than me. I'm gana save up my £ & go & buy some new suits & hit the town & get some pussy nouveau! She's just too far away & playing it too cool for me to try anything else. rolleyes:

BTW Arkan partly why I wanted to work for VISA is kus it's an international company. Means I may get to take a trip to NYC & check out your claim biggrin: I have actually been to NYC before in 03. I saw the prettiest girl I've ever seen in a cafe there, she looked a bit like a young Audrey Hepburn ed:
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