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Default 02-08-2007, 12:01 AM

Originally Posted by Milla
The Fray is pretty good, more sophisticaed than other bands of that style out there. They are overplayed though, which is why i refuse to listen to the radio or watch TV except for the Military Channel and of course 24.

Not sure i know what song you are talking about though. Is it the How to save a life song?
That's the thing though - LONG ago I refused to listen to the radio or watch music television because I had established then that the music they played sucked, and was over-played garbage.
The problem I have is that even denying these two mediums, I STILL hear the song everywhere. They use it on like 5 different television commercials advertising other tv programs, and every store and car I pass by is blasting it out their radio.

ITS NOT EVEN THAT GOOD. Why the fuck do they have to saturate the shit out of these shitty songs?

The song is the one that is like "WHERE DID I GO WRONG BLAH BLAH BLAH IM A FAGGOT"
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