02-08-2007, 10:54 AM
i started a new semester at school. tues and wed nights suck because after work i have to go to irvine to take classes and then run back home in time to watch Lost. I missed the first 10 mins last night because my hag professor kept us over our schedule mad:
i'm seeing this girl but its too early to tell if its serious or not (no nyck, not the girl who sold my jacket biggrin: )
my brother and his gf/son were going to move back into the house, so we all switched rooms so that my nephew can have his own. my parents took the other living room because it can be closed off from the rest of the house and because it has the fireplace and big tv. i took the master bedroom, so i have more space and my own bathroom - its like i have my own apartment rock:
i might get some free network training on blackberry stuff in the next few weeks, so that would be cool to put down on my resume and for me to learn new stuff.