Originally Posted by Nyck
Originally Posted by Gonzo
see below. id whip yo asses in GOW. RB6 sucks balls online
LOL what...all fucking GOW is online is a rush to see who can get the fucking tourqe bow the quickest. It takes 900 shots from anything other than that to kill anyone. Of course you could chainsaw someone, but then they call you a fucking pussy(NVM the fact that they just sit across the map with the tourqe bow and try and shoot you with it so you asplode and to chainsaw someone you need to get right next to them.)
Can't say i was a fan of GOW online either, too much cheap shit in the mp initially with the grenade tagging and the blowjob chainsaw attack. Played it a handfull of times only, annoy: Single players great multi's kinda [img]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/gerald.marley/14/gaygay.gif[/img]