Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
I too, have been feeling very depressed and useless lately. WHY ARE WOMEN SO GODS DAMN CONFUSING? cry:
Okay, bragmode is set to /off
I was out with this girl last weekend. We watched movies at her dorm room, and the alcohol flowed. We got along good, something just seemed to click. I asked her if she liked me in 'like, a dating capacity' and she was all 'yea'. Then she asked me to kiss her, and I did. Escalation leading to her being fully nude and oral sex. She started squirming and moaning (in a good way, you know, like in porn) and suddenly stopped and said she wanted to to go bed and that she'd walk me out. I kissed her goodnight. I didnt say anything because it had suddenly gotten SO DAMNED AWKWARD
Last week, I tried talking to her a few times. Guess what? awkwardness survived, and with just a dash of distant frigidity. I don't know what I did wrong, and what, if anything, I can do to rectify this situation. I'm actually bored of hookups, I wanted a relationship.