Command Sergeant Major
Posts: 2,644
Join Date: Dec 2003

02-12-2007, 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Arkan
Thanks for the ass pics. Both are sweet but if memory serves me correctly, i think the girl was wearing white.
Good job none the less.
On a similar note, i once had this girl in a thong posing for me on a beach in Florida. Took a few pics of her in different poses and forgot about the film when i got back to NY. About a month later, my g/f at the time wanted to use my camera and thought it would be a good idea to have my film developed and to start with a fresh roll of film. What lil' Miss Einstein didn't realize was.....you need to rewind the film BEFORE opening it up on an unfinished roll !! Half my pics got destroyed by exposure to light including all the thong pics. I wanted to choke her for that.
I dont let chicks touch my shit - EVER.
One time I was WITH - not dating - WITH, this broad. All we ever did was fuck. I took her out ONCE so at least she could say the relationship started out on a "Im not a whore" note (nevermind us fucking the first date). . .and everytime after that, she had only been to my house, at night, with no panties on as a pre-req.
One day, after I was FUCKING HAMMERED, and cooling off post-coitus (sex COMA - fucking douchebag), she picks up my old A70 and starts flipping through pictures. Sadly, she wasnt the only one on there in a state of undress. . .
She of course flips out (as the dates on her pictures were sandwhiched between dates of the others) - going on and on about I shoulda known. . .known what - that were sexing other people. . .
Women are shady like that - they have this NANCY DREW gene in them. . .where they will unconsciously snoop around your shit, trying to validate their suspicions and shit. Cunts.