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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 02-13-2007, 12:52 PM

Spacer? What the fuck - it explained why Juliet was on the Island, who Alex's father was (since we already know who her daughter is), what the (further) nature of DHARMA's experimentation might be, why they couldnt just get off the island with Ben, what other types of experimentation might be going on (Carl's torture), etc. etc.

We also have more questions:

Why Rougeau and Ben were bumping uglies -
Whose records were those Juliet saw -
What Ben and Juliets relationship was -
Does Alex know who her mother is -
Did DHARMA arrange for Juliet's husbands accident -

They cant make every show about the Island - the show would be over in like. . .2 years max. . .

It wasnt like the episode sucked. . .
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