Thread: Nostradamus..
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r3mix is Offline
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Default 09-12-2002, 09:54 PM

[quote="MSgt.Sniperwolf":ccea4]He did predict the twin towers... Anyone see the movie about him?? It shows the twin towers falling and that movie was made like 5 years before 9/11. He said the twin peaks of the man made mountains in the brave new world would fall...or something.[/quote:ccea4]

good for him.
to put it in perspective around 24000 died on that same day and every day since from starvation. not a single second of air time or rememberence forwarded to these people nor any nutjob predictions about this occurring.

this is of course a really insensitive post if youre one of those people who places more value in the lives of some people over others based on their race or nationality.

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