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Default 02-15-2007, 07:52 AM

You notice that the polar bear painting in Penny's asshole father's office had the word "NAMASTE" written backwards? We've heard that word in the Hanso film strips.


It is commonly accompanied by a slight bow made with the hands pressed together, palms touching, in front of the chest.

In a normal context this word is a respectful way of greeting someone. Generally done by younger (or in a hierarchy - underlings) to elders/higher-ups, although, the elders reply back in the same manner.

In context this word can be taken to mean any of these:

* The Spirit in me meets the same Spirit in you.
* I greet that place where you and I are one.
* I salute the Light of life in you.
* I receive the free spirit in you.
* I recognize that within each of us is a place where peace dwells, and when we are in that place, we are One.
* My energy salutes your energy.
* The life in me sees and honors the life in you.
* May the life within you be strong.
* The light within me sees and honors the light within you.

In other words, it recognizes the equality of all, and pays honor to the sacredness and interconnection of all, as well as to the source of that interconnection. Namaskar is the term for such greetings, and is also used as a greeting itself.

Also, anyone know what Charlie's middle name meant? The one that was written on the sign he was using while busking for change?

What a fucked episode. Woot! stupid:  247
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