Thread: microsoft vista
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Default 02-18-2007, 02:45 PM

Originally Posted by Sniper101
Originally Posted by Nyck
we arent recommending it to our clients for a while.

we have 3 or 4 techs using it and have had many issues with VPN connectivity(it just wouldnt work with our sonicwalls)

its pretty smooth and nice looking and might be good for basic pc use, but business functionality is still shaky.
Thats the big issue, nothing supports it as of yet. And as for the sucking sound, its not going to work as efficiently on a 32-bit system as it would a 64-bit. the smart thing to do would be to have a 64-bit system if you want to get the most use and best efficiency out of it
I installed it on my computer and every bit of software and every driver I need has put me back to where I was. . .except running in VISTA instead of XP.

Does XP work - of course. But just like a car, after awhile you want to get a new one.

At the very least - leech it and then try it for 30 days. If its cool - go buy the serial, if not - go back to XP.

Having said that, theres not a chance in hell we'll be seeing it on our machines at work anytime soon.[/b]
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