Originally Posted by anti
Originally Posted by geRV
Originally Posted by Coleman
Originally Posted by geRV
Id prefer any mp3 player that doesn't need to have software to have songs loaded onto it. If they show up as a removable disk you should just be able to drag and drop into it, not the case with ipods or a lot of other mp3 players for some reason though.
I just use my ericsson for all that shit anyway.
do high percentage of mp3 owners in Europe own ipods? I'd say from just a 'look' at the market, they have about 75% of the American market.
Well they seem to be flavour of the month for no other reason than theyre a fashion accessory. I know a few people with them, but anytime im in town i see everything but ipods, for people in most of the shopping centres that is at least. It seems though that the average parent has caught onto the ipod name, thus every mp3 player on the market is an ipod, same as the way back in the 80's every gaming system to a parent was a nintendo.
Don't really see the attraction to them myself, can't say they do anything more than any other generic mp3 player on the market. Course you get the apple zealots defending them tooth and nail because its one of god Jobs creations. rolleyes:
it's true they've become a fashion statement, but it's also true that hating them has become a fashion itself. when the mini came out and the older ipods, they were damn fine mp3 players for their time and nothing on the market really compared that i can remember. i've still got my mini from way back and i really don't have a single complaint towards it. interface is slick and clean, easy to use. i don't even take it out of my pocket while i switch songs, fast forward etc. its a great size and has held up the test of time.
how many times has this ipod vs. world discussion occured on this forum?
Not a matter of hating them for the sake of it, its a matter of they do fuck all different from any other mp3 player yet theyre considered better for the simple reason theyre made by apple. Since when was apple the all knowing authority on what makes an mp3 player good? (they were practically bust in 1997 till ms bailed them out so it shows how good their business strategy was then). There were mp3 players on the market well before the ipod that worked just as well, just seemed like all the trend whores jumped on apples dick as soon as the ipod appeared and theyre now the be all end all of portable music for no good reason.
ipod vs world part 45 coming to a forum near you SOON