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Default 02-19-2007, 11:03 PM

Originally Posted by Arkan
Originally Posted by anti
i just installed it, manually managed all my playlist (which means i ignored any of that shit), plugged in ipod and it showed up. simply clicked ipod, and dragged my music in from it's respected folder. i do use winamp though as my means to play music. i believe you can just simply open it's media library with th eipod connected, or something. google knows, he always knows.
Thanks for the advice. I'll be screwing with it for the next few days.
What anti said.

Stick with iTunes, once you start using it it is really easy to use. I use it to play the music on my computer with. Fuck using WMP.

But as stated before, the nano was a good choice because of the flash memory. In the store we did a test where we threw it back and forth to each other, which was dropped several times, screen actually cracked and it still worked. Dont try that with a hard drive mp3 player.

I'll get a Zune in about 2 years when my ipod stops functioning and i dont want to send it away to have the battery replaced.

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