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Default 02-21-2007, 02:24 PM

Originally Posted by Tripper
You sound like a genuine bloke, posiedon - That's very good of you to spend so much time with your grandad like that, alot of people are scared off by death and wouldnt have made the effort. I bet he would have appreciated it to no-end. At least now he rests in peace.
Thanks alot

You'd be suprised how empty the hospice was, my granddad was the only patient in there that had family constantly visiting him. I rarely saw the other patients families in the 2 or 3 weeks he was in there.

Yeah I couldnt have lived with myself If I hadnt have made the effort. I'm not as bad now as I would have been if he'd have just gone without being able to say goodbye. I got alot of excellent advice from 92b and from my family. Advice that told me to go and see him as much as possible.

He was a VERY nice bloke, he had alot of people who looked up to him, including his family and members of his community. He was a valued member of the church he visited, and worked at his business upto the days he went into hospital.

If anyone deserved to go to heaven it was him!
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