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Tripper helps land Colossal Squid
mr.miyagi is Offline
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Default Tripper helps land Colossal Squid - 02-22-2007, 09:09 AM

NZ Fishermen Land Colossal Squid ... 385071.stm

22 February 2007
Mr Anderton said the fishermen had been fishing for Patagonian toothfish in deep Antarctic waters when the squid - which was eating a toothfish - was caught.

"The squid was almost dead when it reached the surface, and the careful work of the crew was paramount in getting this specimen aboard in good condition," he said.

The squid was frozen in the ship's hull and brought back to New Zealand for scientific examination.

"The colossal squid has just arrived in New Zealand and it is likely that it is the first intact adult male colossal squid to ever be successfully landed," Mr Anderton said.



ed: ed: ed:

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