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Default 02-25-2007, 10:11 PM

Originally Posted by geRV
Trailer was pretty nice, but fact of the matter is games based totally on realism usually have a very small community. Play red orchastra and you'll see that all smg users do is hold down the fire button and randomly run about spraying to get kills in the majority of servers..not that it has many servers to begin with. The gameplay can get frustrating with camping being the main "tactic" employed and it usually gets old and boring pretty quick.

It'll just be another face in the crowd of mods that could have reached out to a far larger community.
LOL everything you just said couldn't be further from the truth. SMGs who run and gun get wasted by either grenades or most clan members who are beasts with hipshooting with bolts or semi-autos. Going full auto with the PPSh-41 is practically impossible unless you're going for a point-blank kill. And there's really no time to camp when you have to cap objectives to win a game. I play in a clan and you have to move your fucking ass constantly or you'll either be grenaded, picked off, or suppressed so bad you can't even get out of your spawn. Matches in RO are more hectic than matches I've played in MOHAA or CoD.

The only reason you're bitching about camping and it being boring is probably because you're just not very good at the game. I don't know any of the great players who ever camp, unless they have the sniper rifle and have to defend a cap zone. Even the defending team can't afford to camp because most of the maps work in a way that once you cap a certain number of cap zones, you can't cap it back, so it's important that you defend the front lines.
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