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Default 03-01-2007, 07:44 PM

Originally Posted by anti
dear miyagi and whatada, do you have anything i don't? lookatmy boccock

Must've missed this. Well anti baby you have quite a complete collection. I gots all of them tho I have:

helter skelter radio broadcast + ATP (you prolly got these)
Disengage (2 long tracks)
Clouddead - Dead Dogs Two (Boards of Canada Remix)
BoC - Tears from the Compound Eye (Lachrymatory Edit)
boards of canada - random 35 track tape (rarities and the best of - not old tunes v1 or v2)
<- This has some great tracks that aren't on old tunes. I think most of them are from old tunes but theres some gems.
The 'Lachrymatory Edit' is something I googled and download from a russian site. Its a sweet mix of Eye, few more beats in it, nicely done

Also heres a wicked mix, small in size, loadsa tracks:
anew contraption (30 tracks megamix by audiodile)

PM me if you want anythin son

That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau
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