Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by TonyMontana
Originally Posted by "[DAS REICH
Blitz":6929c]WE NEED ANOTHER ALL-SPAM WEEKEND. Our last one was in mid-July, and we supposed to have at least one per month. Spam weekends are fun for all, and think of all the glorious stupidity related topics we could revel in!! I declare that our next one be in April, where the only things off limits are the illegals.
most of us dont live on our computer
Yeah and most of us don't give a shit about our post-count...Aside from pyroid and Das "I only post here for the post count" Blitz.
Hey thats bullshit. I post here for the post count. I just really suck at it and well, theres not alot worth replying to.[/quote:6929c]
If that's true, misc - Give up. You have a mere 3,600 posts. Compared to pyroid's near 20,000 - And he is proof and point that high post count doesn't = high quality of poster.