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imported_Fluffy_Bunny is Offline
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Default 03-02-2007, 02:38 PM

Gadam this has not been my week oOo:

Just found out that hot ho is in a relatinship with some fat fker at her university... Got wtfpwnd by some really hot girl I met at a club kus she didn't give me her number. cuss:

I also hooked up with one of my ex gfs the other day, the one who sent the pic with a dildo sticking out her azz biggrin: . That didn't go too badly, but shes always been a complete bitch... She said she had a free house this Friday & that I could come over & screw her brains out. I figured I'd play it super cool so didn't text her till 6pm. Now I got a reply saying "Hey I wish you'd text me earlier I just agreed to do babysitting." cuss: cuss: cuss: hellfire: mwah: annoy: annoy:

That's it, I'm fresh outta slags now, annoy: mad: loney: unless I count the minger I pulled last week but I dunno if I can be bothered with her.



[img][/img] ^ dunno wtf shes wearing here...

Dunno if I can be arsed with her, shes got fckd up teeth, I'm English & her teeth scare me so that says a lot oOo: She's also plucked all her eyebrows or something so prolly looks like a tranny when she has no makeup.

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